2025/03/09 [系辦轉知] 114學年度教育學程申請 The application of the Teacher Education Program for Secondary Schools for the academic year 2025
2025/03/06 [系辦轉知] 泰國烏汶大學夏日學校招生UBU Exchange Student Program
2025/02/18 [系辦公告] 食農教育「作伙插秧趣」活動 Food and Agriculture Education: Let's Have Fun Planting Rice Seedlings!
2025/01/19 [招生訊系] 再推→114學年秋季班外籍學位生招生 Recall: 2025 Fall admission for International Students
2025/01/03 [轉知訊息] 農資院獎勵學生發表學術論文申請 The application for rewarding CANR students for publishing academic papers
2024/11/12 [系辦公告] 114學年度碩士班甄試面試名單與須知
2024/08/13 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀本學程趙國容教授榮升本校國際處外生組組長
2024/08/13 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀國農企學程謝奇明榮升本校研發處副研發長
2023/12/05 [系辦公告] 國立中興大學國際農學碩士學位學程徵聘專任或專案教師公告
2023/12/05 [Recruitment] Project or Tenure-Track Faculty Position/ International Master Program of Agriculture, National Chung Hsing University
2023/11/15 [系辦公告] 113學年度碩士班甄試面試名單與須知
2023/03/11 [Recruitment] Degree‐seeking Foreign Student Admission Application (Fall semester, 2023 國立中興大學 農資學院 國際農學碩士學位學程 112學外國學生招生
2022/11/11 [系辦公告] 112學年度碩士班甄試面試名單與須知
2022/08/06 [系辦公告] ✔✔The links to Graduation Requirements are fixed
2022/08/06 [系辦公告] ✔✔The link to Curriculum Map is fixed.
2022/07/15 [緊急公告] ☛ ☛Data loss was caused by data reorganization from the NCHU computer center. Some link is dead. It’s maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. 因學校計資中心資料整頓,造成本網站資料遺失,部份連結失效。緊急維修中,造成不便,敬請見諒
2021/11/16 [系辦公告] 111學年度碩士班甄試面試名單與須知
2021/11/16 [系辦公告] 111學年度碩博班甄試-車號調查功能使用說明-考生版
2021/11/04 [ 演 講 ] Speech: My student life in Taiwan
2021/11/04 [ 演 講 ] Speech:Things no one told you about living in Taiwan
2021/09/06 [榮 譽 榜] Congratulations on getting a PHD admission-Purushottam Gyawali
2021/09/06 [榮 譽 榜] Congratulations on getting a PHD admission-Jonathan
2021/08/10 [榮 譽 榜] Congratulations on Winning the Subsidy for Academic Research
2021/08/10 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀楊上禾副教授指導生論文獲刊登 Congratulations on publication
2021/04/28 [轉知訊息] TaiwanICDF Overseas Volunteers Program
2021/04/28 [轉知訊息] CANR-The 20th International Student Summit (ISS)
2021/03/29 [榮 譽 榜] Congratulations on Winning the Subsidy for Academic Research
2021/03/22 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀楊上禾副教授指導生論文獲刊登 Congratulations on publication
2020/12/08 [轉知訊息] CANR-International Students' Lunch Forum
2020/11/02 [轉知訊息] 2020 SEA Program - Call for Participants
2020/10/16 [課程通知] Intensive Course: Climate and Climate Change...
2020/10/15 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀楊上禾副教授指導生論文獲刊登 Congratulations on publication
2020/10/14 [轉知訊息] 七星農業發展獎學金 Chi-Hsin Agricultural Development...
2020/10/05 [轉知訊息] 獎學金公告連結 Scholarship Application
2020/10/05 [轉知訊息] CTCIEF 2020 Living Lab Project Awards 永續生活實驗室獎
2020/08/30 [榮 譽 榜] 2020 教師節茶會 Congratulations
2020/08/30 [轉知訊息] TSMC-2020 第五屆台積電青年築夢計畫 TSMC-Youth_2020
2020/08/21 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀黃紹毅主任獲109學年度服務特優獎 Congratulations
2020/08/03 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀楊上禾副教授論文獲刊登 Congratulations on publication
2020/08/03 [轉知訊息] 亞蔬中心工作職缺 AVRDC job positions
2020/07/23 [轉知訊息] OIA (國際事務處) TA-Ship Program 2020 Fall Semester
2020/07/14 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀! 黃紹毅主任榮獲「本校109年度產學績優教師 II」
2020/06/22 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀!大學部林柏宏同學 獲得科技部大專生參與專題研究計畫通過
2020/06/17 [轉知訊息] IAAS 徵才需求:國際農業永續學會(IAAS)秘書處徵才
2020/06/01 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀!謝奇明副教授 榮獲「本校109學年度優聘教師III」
2020/06/01 [轉知訊息] 國農大樓管委會進行疏葉作業 Pruning tree limbs notice
2020/05/25 [轉知訊息] 國農大樓管委會廢棄腳踏車清理 Abandoned bikes removing
2020/05/25 [轉知訊息] 108學年度畢業學位服借用 Graduation Gown Borrowing
2020/05/25 [轉知訊息] DFSB佳美食品興大菁英獎助學金1082延長申請
2020/05/21 [轉知訊息] 生輔組 2020 NITORI Scholarship Application
2020/05/18 [轉知訊息] IABMC bicycle stolen reminding
2020/05/13 [轉知訊息] Division of Student Life生輔組請鼓勵學生踴躍申請獎學金
2020/05/13 [轉知訊息] RCSEN奈米中心-國立中興大學向日葵專案(HIMAWARI PROJECT)獎助
2020/05/01 [轉知訊息] 5/4~5/8興大防疫演練 NCHU epidemic prevention drill
2020/04/22 [轉知訊息] Council of Agriculture-2020 Agriculture Knowledge Competition...
2020/04/20 [轉知訊息] #COVID-19 Prevention-Health Center 健諮中心...
2020/04/07 [轉知訊息] 自主健康管理14天 the prevention affairs for the spring break....
2020/04/07 [轉知訊息]109暑期實習 Internship of NTU Highland Experimental
2020/03/24 [轉知訊息] 發燒篩檢站SOP-The upgrading level for preventing COVID-19
2020/03/23 [轉知訊息] 廢棄腳踏車清理公告ABANDONED BIKE REMOVAL NOTICE
2020/03/19 [轉知訊息] Discount for TOEIC test 5/24多益測驗好康通知
2020/03/19 [轉知訊息] 2020 Rual Up-Stay one-day at the farm 大專生洄游農STAY
2020/03/19 [轉知訊息] 2020 selecting the student representative for International Students ...
2020/03/10 [轉知訊息] Applying the support fees for the project of self-study in groups ...
2020/03/10 [轉知訊息]Internship-Aowanda Nature Center 林務局「奧萬大實習計畫」
2020/02/29 [公告訊息] #COVID-19 Prevention COVID-19防疫 #Reminding 提醒...
2020/02/25 [轉知訊息] NCHU COVID-19 Prevention Area 興大嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎防疫專區...
2020/02/24 [轉知訊息] Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Prevention 武漢防疫
2020/02/08 [轉知訊息] IMPA/IBPA Wuhen Coronavirus preventing steps info. 武漢防疫...
2020/02/08 [轉知訊息] Recruiting student workers 工讀人力需求
2020/02/07 [轉知訊息] The 23rd World Orchid Conference Program 2020世界蘭花會議
2020/02/07 [轉知訊息]Summer Internship 109年暑期實習
2020/01/30 [轉知訊息] Wuhan Coronavirus-purchase masks 武漢肺炎-購買口罩
2020/01/30 [轉知訊息] Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic武漢肺炎
2019/12/25 [轉知訊息] 108-2 Online class-Contemporary English Thesis Writing & Presentation
2019/12/18 [轉知訊息] NCHU 100th Anniversary Lecture Series-Study PhD in Academia Sinica
2019/11/26 [轉知訊息] Scholarship-the application for MasterPh.D. of Hokkaido University
2019/11/26 [轉知訊息] NCHU 100th Anniversary Lecture Series-Wonderful life and ....
2019/11/12 [招生訊息] 2019國農碩碩士班甄試招生入學面試時間
2019/10/31 [轉知訊息] 校友回娘家 Alumni Reunion
2019/10/30 [轉知訊息] 水保局農村回游農村競賽 Soil and Water Conservation...
2019/10/29 [轉知訊息] 農業講座 Speech-Dr.Edwini_Kessie
2019/10/23 [轉知訊息] NCHU-TAMU Co-Teaching Course Series...
2019/10/21 [轉知訊息] Intensive Course - Climate Change 氣候及氣候變遷
2019/10/21 [轉知訊息] Intensive Course - Agrometeorology Datamining 農業氣象資料運用
2019/10/05 [轉知訊息] 國際交流工作坊 Environmental Sustainability ...
2019/10/01 [轉知訊息] 應經講座 DAE Speech - Dr. Man-Keun Kim, USU
2019/10/01 [轉知訊息] 獎學金scholarship
2019/09/13 [轉知訊息]創意飛揚─學生創發學習計畫 The national/international competitions...
2019/09/12 [轉知訊息] 課務組:選課作業須知 Course Selection guideline
2019/08/12 [轉知訊息] 課務組:選課單位連結 Course Selecting Contact List
2019/07/13 [轉知訊息] U-start二天一夜創新工作坊
2019/07/12 [轉知訊息] 2019生命教育關懷與推廣微電影徵選 Competition of Microfilm
2019/07/11 [轉知訊息] 中興大學學生出國短期交流試辦方案 short-term exchange
2019/07/10 [轉知訊息] 108年臺灣重點領域獎學金試辦計畫 Scholarship
2019/06/28 [轉知訊息] 108-1就學貸款申請流程 school loan
2019/06/13 [轉知訊息] CANR-Scholarship 全國農業金庫獎學金申請公告
2019/06/13 [ 演 講 ] Speech: Utah: How Much Mighty 5 Helps Boost Tourism...
2019/06/11 [轉知訊息] GIS合授課程講座 Co-Teaching Course Series
2019/06/11 [轉知訊息] 2019年農業青年大使 2019 Young Agricultural Ambassadors
2019/06/11 [轉知訊息] ★★創新 領域課程 Course Promotion 農業科技創新與產業分析
2019/06/06 [轉知訊息] 獎助學金 Information of scholarship
2019/06/04 [轉知訊息] 集集鎮農會徵才 JiJi Farm Association recruiting employers
2019/05/27 [轉知訊息] 108年萬安42號演習 The Wan-An 42nd air raid drill
2019/05/07 [轉知訊息] 產研鏈結人才培育計畫 Talent Cultivation Program
2019/04/25 [轉知訊息] 108年宿舍床位候補申請 Housing Applying waiting
2019/04/23 [轉知訊息] 107學年水上運動會競賽 Water Sport Competition
2019/04/22 [轉知訊息] 108年男女生暑宿 Summer Dorm Application 2019
2018/11/12 [系辦公告] 108學年度碩士班 甄試入學面試名單與須知
2018/11/01 [轉知訊息] 北海道大學2019年校長獎學金 Hokkaido University...
2018/09/05 [課程公告] Climate and Climate Change 氣候與氣候變遷
2018/09/21 [轉知訊息] 研究生出席國際1071 Attend Internaitonal Conference...
2018/09/21 [轉知訊息] 佳美食品公司興大菁英獎學金1071...
2018/09/21 [轉知訊息] [財團法人農友社會福利基金會]獎助學金1071...
2018/09/05 [課程公告] Commercial Negotiation 商業談判...
2018/09/04 [學校公告] 防範登革熱,全校總動員... Prevent dengue fever..
2018/08/30 [轉知訊息] Prevention key to halting dengue
2018/08/27 [轉知訊息] Taichung sees 5 more people hit by dengue fever
2018/08/28 [課程公告] 植病系密集學分課程DPP. Intensive courses...
2018/08/20 [招募資訊] 興農公司徵1072實習,截止日107.10.31....
2018/08/20 [課程公告] 興大管院:"永續發展、環境..."Sustainable
2018/08/06 [活動公告] 文化部-青年村落文化行動計畫
2018/08/03 [健諮中心] 107學年度新生入學健康檢查
2018/08/03 [活動公告] The 2nd International conference on Environment....
2018/07/11 [活動公告] 2018年台美青年農業交流活動計畫
2018/06/21 [徵才公告] 瑞典斯德哥爾摩皇家理工學院謝尚逸教授實驗室...
2018/06/19 [系辦公告] 農委會107年度學生打工計畫
2017/11/13 [系辦公告] 107學年度碩士班 甄試入學面試名單與須知
2022/11/11 [系辦公告] 112學年度碩士班甄試面試名單與須知
2022/08/16 [榮 譽 榜] 賀!!! 謝奇明教授榮獲本校特聘教授Ⅲ Congratulation!!! Dr. Chi-Ming Hsieh was honored with 2022 NCHU Distinguished Professor III
2022/08/06 [系辦公告] ✔✔The links to Graduation Requirements are fixed
2022/08/06 [系辦公告] ✔✔The link to Curriculum Map is fixed.
2022/07/15 [緊急公告] ☛ ☛Data loss was caused by data reorganization from the NCHU computer center. Some link is dead. It’s maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. 因學校計資中心資料整頓,造成本網站資料遺失,部份連結失效。緊急維修中,造成不便,敬請見諒
2021/11/16 [系辦公告] 111學年度碩士班甄試面試名單與須知
2021/11/16 [系辦公告] 111學年度碩博班甄試-車號調查功能使用說明-考生版
2021/11/04 [ 演 講 ] Speech: My student life in Taiwan
2021/11/04 [ 演 講 ] Speech:Things no one told you about living in Taiwan
2021/09/06 [榮 譽 榜] Congratulations on getting a PHD admission-Purushottam Gyawali
2021/09/06 [榮 譽 榜] Congratulations on getting a PHD admission-Jonathan
2021/08/10 [榮 譽 榜] Congratulations on Winning the Subsidy for Academic Research
2021/08/10 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀楊上禾副教授指導生論文獲刊登 Congratulations on publication
2021/04/28 [轉知訊息] TaiwanICDF Overseas Volunteers Program
2021/04/28 [轉知訊息] CANR-The 20th International Student Summit (ISS)
2021/03/29 [榮 譽 榜] Congratulations on Winning the Subsidy for Academic Research
2021/03/22 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀楊上禾副教授指導生論文獲刊登 Congratulations on publication
2020/12/08 [轉知訊息] CANR-International Students' Lunch Forum
2020/11/02 [轉知訊息] 2020 SEA Program - Call for Participants
2020/10/16 [課程通知] Intensive Course: Climate and Climate Change...
2020/10/15 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀楊上禾副教授指導生論文獲刊登 Congratulations on publication
2020/10/14 [轉知訊息] 七星農業發展獎學金 Chi-Hsin Agricultural Development...
2020/10/05 [轉知訊息] 獎學金公告連結 Scholarship Application
2020/10/05 [轉知訊息] CTCIEF 2020 Living Lab Project Awards 永續生活實驗室獎
2020/08/30 [榮 譽 榜] 2020 教師節茶會 Congratulations
2020/08/30 [轉知訊息] TSMC-2020 第五屆台積電青年築夢計畫 TSMC-Youth_2020
2020/08/21 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀黃紹毅主任獲109學年度服務特優獎 Congratulations
2020/08/03 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀楊上禾副教授論文獲刊登 Congratulations on publication
2020/08/03 [轉知訊息] 亞蔬中心工作職缺 AVRDC job positions
2020/07/23 [轉知訊息] OIA (國際事務處) TA-Ship Program 2020 Fall Semester
2020/07/14 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀! 黃紹毅主任榮獲「本校109年度產學績優教師 II」
2020/06/22 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀!大學部林柏宏同學 獲得科技部大專生參與專題研究計畫通過
2020/06/17 [轉知訊息] IAAS 徵才需求:國際農業永續學會(IAAS)秘書處徵才
2020/06/01 [榮 譽 榜] 恭賀!謝奇明副教授 榮獲「本校109學年度優聘教師III」
2020/06/01 [轉知訊息] 國農大樓管委會進行疏葉作業 Pruning tree limbs notice
2020/05/25 [轉知訊息] 國農大樓管委會廢棄腳踏車清理 Abandoned bikes removing
2020/05/25 [轉知訊息] 108學年度畢業學位服借用 Graduation Gown Borrowing
2020/05/25 [轉知訊息] DFSB佳美食品興大菁英獎助學金1082延長申請
2020/05/21 [轉知訊息] 生輔組 2020 NITORI Scholarship Application
2020/05/18 [轉知訊息] IABMC bicycle stolen reminding
2020/05/13 [轉知訊息] Division of Student Life生輔組請鼓勵學生踴躍申請獎學金
2020/05/13 [轉知訊息] RCSEN奈米中心-國立中興大學向日葵專案(HIMAWARI PROJECT)獎助
2020/05/01 [轉知訊息] 5/4~5/8興大防疫演練 NCHU epidemic prevention drill
2020/04/29 [轉知訊息] COA 農委會109年度農業知識懶人包設計競賽活動
2020/04/22 [轉知訊息] Council of Agriculture-2020 Agriculture Knowledge Competition...
2020/04/20 [轉知訊息] #COVID-19 Prevention-Health Center 健諮中心...
2020/04/07 [轉知訊息] 自主健康管理14天 the prevention affairs for the spring break....
2020/03/24 [轉知訊息] 發燒篩檢站SOP-The upgrading level for preventing COVID-19
2020/03/23 [轉知訊息] 廢棄腳踏車清理公告ABANDONED BIKE REMOVAL NOTICE
2020/03/19 [轉知訊息] Discount for TOEIC test 5/24多益測驗好康通知
2020/03/19 [轉知訊息] 2020 Rual Up-Stay one-day at the farm 大專生洄游農STAY
2020/03/19 [轉知訊息] 2020 selecting the student representative for International Students ...
2020/03/10 [轉知訊息] Applying the support fees for the project of self-study in groups ...
2020/02/29 [公告訊息] #COVID-19 Prevention COVID-19防疫 #Reminding 提醒...
2020/02/25 [轉知訊息] NCHU COVID-19 Prevention Area 興大嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎防疫專區...
2020/02/24 [轉知訊息] Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Prevention 武漢防疫
2020/02/08 [轉知訊息] IMPA/IBPA Wuhen Coronavirus preventing steps info. 武漢防疫...
2020/02/08 [轉知訊息] Recruiting student workers 工讀人力需求
2020/02/07 [轉知訊息] The 23rd World Orchid Conference Program 2020世界蘭花會議
2020/01/30 [轉知訊息] Wuhan Coronavirus-purchase masks 武漢肺炎-購買口罩
2020/01/30 [轉知訊息] Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic武漢肺炎
2019/12/25 [轉知訊息] 108-2 Online class-Contemporary English Thesis Writing & Presentation
2019/12/18 [轉知訊息] NCHU 100th Anniversary Lecture Series-Study PhD in Academia Sinica
2019/11/26 [轉知訊息] Scholarship-the application for MasterPh.D. of Hokkaido University
2019/11/26 [轉知訊息] NCHU 100th Anniversary Lecture Series-Wonderful life and ....
2019/11/12 [招生訊息] 2019國農碩碩士班甄試招生入學面試時間
2019/10/31 [轉知訊息] 校友回娘家 Alumni Reunion
2019/10/30 [轉知訊息] 水保局農村回游農村競賽 Soil and Water Conservation...
2019/10/29 [轉知訊息] 農業講座 Speech-Dr.Edwini_Kessie
2019/10/23 [轉知訊息] NCHU-TAMU Co-Teaching Course Series...
2019/10/21 [轉知訊息] Intensive Course - Climate Change 氣候及氣候變遷
2019/10/21 [轉知訊息] Intensive Course - Agrometeorology Datamining 農業氣象資料運用
2019/10/05 [轉知訊息] 國際交流工作坊 Environmental Sustainability ...
2019/10/01 [轉知訊息] 應經講座 DAE Speech - Dr. Man-Keun Kim, USU
2019/10/01 [轉知訊息] 獎學金scholarship
2019/09/13 [轉知訊息]創意飛揚─學生創發學習計畫 The national/international competitions...
2019/09/12 [轉知訊息] 課務組:選課作業須知 Course Selection guideline
2019/08/12 [轉知訊息] 課務組:選課單位連結 Course Selecting Contact List
2019/07/13 [轉知訊息] U-start二天一夜創新工作坊
2019/07/12 [轉知訊息] 2019生命教育關懷與推廣微電影徵選 Competition of Microfilm
2019/07/11 [轉知訊息] 中興大學學生出國短期交流試辦方案 short-term exchange
2019/07/10 [轉知訊息] 108年臺灣重點領域獎學金試辦計畫 Scholarship
2019/06/28 [轉知訊息] 108-1就學貸款申請流程 school loan
2019/06/13 [轉知訊息] CANR-Scholarship 全國農業金庫獎學金申請公告
2019/06/13 [ 演 講 ] Speech: Utah: How Much Mighty 5 Helps Boost Tourism...
2019/06/11 [轉知訊息] GIS合授課程講座 Co-Teaching Course Series
2019/06/11 [轉知訊息] 2019年農業青年大使 2019 Young Agricultural Ambassadors
2019/06/11 [轉知訊息] ★★創新 領域課程 Course Promotion 農業科技創新與產業分析
2019/06/06 [轉知訊息] 獎助學金 Information of scholarship
2019/06/04 [轉知訊息] 集集鎮農會徵才 JiJi Farm Association recruiting employers
2019/05/27 [轉知訊息] 108年萬安42號演習 The Wan-An 42nd air raid drill
2019/05/07 [轉知訊息] 產研鏈結人才培育計畫 Talent Cultivation Program
2019/04/25 [轉知訊息] 108年宿舍床位候補申請 Housing Applying waiting
2019/04/23 [轉知訊息] 107學年水上運動會競賽 Water Sport Competition
2019/04/22 [轉知訊息] 108年男女生暑宿 Summer Dorm Application 2019
2018/11/12 [系辦公告] 108學年度碩士班 甄試入學面試名單與須知
2018/11/01 [轉知訊息] 北海道大學2019年校長獎學金 Hokkaido University...
2018/09/05 [課程公告] Climate and Climate Change 氣候與氣候變遷
2018/09/21 [轉知訊息] 研究生出席國際1071 Attend Internaitonal Conference...
2018/09/21 [轉知訊息] 佳美食品公司興大菁英獎學金1071...
2018/09/21 [轉知訊息] [財團法人農友社會福利基金會]獎助學金1071...
2018/09/05 [課程公告] Commercial Negotiation 商業談判...
2018/09/04 [學校公告] 防範登革熱,全校總動員... Prevent dengue fever..
2018/08/30 [轉知訊息] Prevention key to halting dengue
2018/08/27 [轉知訊息] Taichung sees 5 more people hit by dengue fever
2018/08/28 [課程公告] 植病系密集學分課程DPP. Intensive courses...
2018/08/20 [招募資訊] 興農公司徵1072實習,截止日107.10.31....
2018/08/20 [課程公告] 興大管院:"永續發展、環境..."Sustainable
2018/08/06 [活動公告] 文化部-青年村落文化行動計畫
2018/08/03 [健諮中心] 107學年度新生入學健康檢查
2018/08/03 [活動公告] The 2nd International conference on Environment....
2018/07/11 [活動公告] 2018年台美青年農業交流活動計畫
2018/06/21 [徵才公告] 瑞典斯德哥爾摩皇家理工學院謝尚逸教授實驗室...
2018/06/19 [系辦公告] 農委會107年度學生打工計畫
2017/11/13 [系辦公告] 107學年度碩士班 甄試入學面試名單與須知